Scheduling A Follow-Up Appointment
As you move through your grieving process following a loss, another medical appointment may be the last thing on your mind. However, perinatal loss also has physical implications for the mother’s body. Primarily, a follow up medical appointment (scheduled a few weeks after your loss, depending on the type of loss) offers an opportunity for your medical provider to complete a physical exam to ensure you are healing properly. Additionally, the appointment gives your doctor a chance to review any laboratory findings related to your loss and discuss future risks and fertility questions with you.
Miscarriage Follow Up
A miscarriage is defined as a pregnancy loss that occurs before 20 weeks. In the case of an early miscarriage (during the first trimester), your provider may give you a choice about scheduling a follow up appointment, depending on the medical circumstances of your loss. For example, if you needed to have a dilation & curettage (D&C) procedure, your provider will most likely schedule a follow up appointment. If your miscarriage occurred “naturally” (without medical intervention), your provider may not immediately offer the option for a follow up appointment. In that case, you could still choose to request a medical follow up appointment in order to discuss the loss and future fertility with your provider.
Stillbirth Follow Up
A stillbirth is defined as a pregnancy loss that occurs after 20 weeks gestation. Follow up medical appointments are much more common following a stillbirth loss, because the loss involves a more complicated delivery and medical recovery process for the mother. As in the case of miscarriage, your provider will most likely conduct a physical exam to ensure you are healing properly. And you will also have time to ask questions about the loss, your recovery, and future pregnancy planning.
Support at Follow Up Appointments
It is completely normal to feel a flood of emotions as you schedule and attend your follow up appointment. You might find it useful to schedule your follow up appointment at a time when a loved one can accompany them to the appointment or request that the medical provider set aside extra time so you do not feel rushed through the appointment.
Although we are not medical professionals, your Care Team at BenefitBump is here to support you through the healing process. If you have questions or concerns about your follow up appointment, you are always welcome to reach out to your Care Navigator via phone, email, or through the BenefitBump app.