Additional Resources
National Telephone Support Line
Sponsored by Star Legacy Foundation * Staffed by certified grief counselors
(952) 715-7731 ext. 1
Financial Assistance
Angel Names Association Provides financial assistance for medical and funeral/memorial expenses for children born stillborn. GRASP program also provides funding for un- or under-insured, grieving parents to receive grief counseling following stillbirth.
Grief Support
Share Pregnancy & Infant Loss Support Facilitates over 70 local support groups throughout the United States. Also offers online support forums and other resources related to infant loss.
The Fletcher Foundation Provides financial support to pay medical bills associated with miscarriage or stillbirth.
The TEARS Foundation Financial support to pay for funeral expenses following perinatal loss or the loss of a child. Also offer free emotional support groups.
Perinatal Hospice & Palliative Care Extensive resources for parents who have learned that their unborn child will not survive. Also include links to local perinatal hospice programs.
Still Mothers Blog and online support forums for women healing from perinatal and infant loss.
Postpartum Support International Support groups led by trained facilitators, as well as specialized coordinators for 1:1 support, as needed.
Comfort Zone Camp (CZC) Traditional (sleep-away), virtual, and family camps focused on supporting children grieving the loss of a parent or sibling.
My Miscarriage Matters, Inc. Emotional support specific to perinatal loss. Includes a live-chat emotional support feature, as well as resources specifically for grieving men.
Remembrance Products
GriefWatch Publishes grief-specific books and memorial products and keepsakes.
Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Remembrance photography specific to stillbirth and infant loss. NILMDTS also hosts an annual remembrance walk.
Pregnancy After Loss
Pregnancy After Loss Support (PALS) A nonprofit to support mothers in celebrating their current pregnancy while also honoring the child they lost. Includes online support groups, local events, education, and resource listings for families.
Additional Education
Emotional Healing After a Miscarriage: A Guide for Women, Partners, Family, and Friends A comprehensive guide for bereaved parents – and other loved ones – produced by Georgetown University School of Nursing and Health Studies
Center for Loss in Multiple Birth (CLIMB), Inc. Information and resources specific to perinatal loss involving (one, both, or all) multiples.
The Global Alliance to Prevent Prematurity & Stillbirth (GAPPS) Research initiative focused on identifying and developing evidence-based solutions to preterm and stillbirth.