Holiday Hacks for Working Parents
‘Tis the Season for Joy and Fun, right?
For working parents, it can often feel like anything but. Whether you’re stressed about additional travel, hosting for the holidays, childcare closures, or finding time to buy all the gifts, we’ve got you covered. This article will help you hack the holidays and (maybe) even find the joy in them again.
Hacking Holiday Travel
Ship before travel - If you are traveling this season, why not try shipping ahead. No one wants to lug around a lot of bags through an airport and in a rental car, pack up a box with some of the kids’ gear, diapers, and extra clothes and ship ahead to your destination. You will be so happy you did!
Be prepared on long car trips - Pre-pack snacks, iPads, and things to do during long car trips well ahead of the actual trip. I collect fun new things from the Target dollar section to keep kids busy in the car and pull them out when they start asking “Are we there yet?” 15 minutes into the trip.
Hacks for Hosting the Holidays
Catered Meals - If you’re hosting the holidays this year, don’t underestimate the value of catered meals. I’m seeing many food locations like Panera and Cracker Barrel offering entire prepared meals to go that require no preparation. There are also many fine dining restaurants offering catered meals to go around me so check your area for these options as well.
Standby Wine - Buy a case of “stand-by” wine to have handy when you have to bring a gift to the work holiday party last minute or unexpected visitors stop by.
Meal prep – The week before, grab some plastic containers and print out your recipes. Days before the holiday you can chop, measure and prep all of the ingredients. Tape the recipe to the top of the container and you’re ready to go the day of!
Hacks for Lack of Childcare
Check the Daycare Calendar Twice – Make sure all of the days your child’s daycare is closed are covered by friends, family or neighbors. Or, if you still have time off available (let’s face it, many of us don’t this time of year) use it!
Utilize Last Minute Backup Childcare – If you’ve exhausted your list of caregivers, check your local community for a backup childcare provider. Many of them offer last-minute drop-in options.
Gift Buying Hacks
Buy pre-made seasonal treats - Save yourself time by buying pre-made seasonal treats and repackaging them with colorful ribbon and festive gift wrap. Pick up a big package of peppermint bark, brownies, or cookies and then divide it into individual gift bags for everyone from teachers to caregivers. It's cost-effective, easy, and sure to be a crowd-pleaser.
Utilize Gift Lists – Grandparents and aunts and uncles will inevitably ask what your kids want for Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa. Plan ahead by creating Amazon wish list or a Giftful List. This will make it easier for everyone and you can track everything your kids ask for all year.
Hacks to Reduce Stress and Feel Happier
Find Time to Sleep - Let’s face it, this time of year can be downright exhausting, between everyone’s favorite elf, and late-night gift wrapping, you’re probably over-tired. Find nights to get to bed earlier, sleep when the baby sleeps, do whatever you need to do to get some extra zzzzz’s. Getting enough sleep will help reduce your stress levels and make for a more relaxing holiday season. Your kids would rather have a happy mommy/daddy than an elaborate gingerbread house built out of marshmallows by their elf.
Drink extra water and exercise – you might be the type of person who has taken care of themselves all year, eating healthy foods, drinking lots of water, and exercising a few times a week – why does that all go out the window during the holidays? Because we fill those extra moments with merry-making activities that everyone else is doing on Pinterest or Instagram instead of the things that actually make us feel happy. Exercise releases endorphins, which helps produce your brain’s feel-good neurotransmitters – essentially making you feel more joyful.
For more helpful hacks: Holiday Hacks for Working Parents - 8 Great Ideas - Philadelphia Nanny Network (